Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Senyum. Xperlu kata apa2..hehe
hehe..ok maka berakhirnye kisah pergaduhan kami dgn hepy ending.
Ok :)
He was on fire! & i was like "weeeeehhuuuuuu...~" until i gave him an option.
And here we are..

Sunday, June 12, 2011

my heppy ending :(

da lm sgt rsnye xpost pape kat blog ni. tp ade ke org bc? haha..
xkesahla kan. mmm..we had a fight last night n till now he don't even reply my msg.
aku da mintak maaf tp still nothing! wat should i do? should i wait? should i give him some time?
bila dia wat hal, aku dpt maafkn dgn turn aku wat slh, die mcm xbole nak terima.
i admit i was wrong n i already seek 4giveness..
bole ke aku idop tanpa die?
Yes i can! i believe in myself dat i can live without him.
ok..i made my decision. klu die xcontact dlm ms 3hari, im going to end this relationship.
we'll wait n see.