Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Missing T__T

Assalamualaikum im not feelin well.
My throat is hurtin me but my heart hurt even worse. (ayt tunggang tebalik huhu)
Bcoz i miss him. It's kinda silly but i miss d old him.
The one who always cheer me up and make me laugh.
The one who always care and never give up on life.
I miss him d old him damn much.
I dunno know what happen to him
He seems lost and not as strong as he was.
Im failed everytime i try to figure it out...
We trying to have conversation but it didn't work out & we always hurt each other in the end.
Mayb he needs his fren more than he needs me.

Ya Allah...berilah kekuatan kepadanya..

1 comment:

  1. stress in a workplace maybe? it doesn't mean that he doesn't love u my dear. just stay put. I know you can. :)
    p/s: try listen to this song called always love by nada surf. it might soothe you.
